Renaissance chairs
Renaissance chairs
Renaissance chairs
Renaissance chairs
Renaissance chairs

Virtual reconstruction of three types of seats from the Spanish Renaissance composed of a small stool with a leather seat, fixed to the wooden legs by means of iron rivets, a low friar-type chair that could be folded and easily transported, with a backrest velvet and leather seat lined with this same material and another high chair made of chestnut wood with esparto grass seat whose ropes form a geometric pattern and with decoration on the backrest forming a baluster bridge, of Italian influence. These seats were widely used between the years 1500 and 1600.

Data sheet

LOD0: 121K Poly / 243K Tris
LOD1: 40K Poly / 80K Tris
LOD2: 18K Poly / 20K Tris
LOD3: 4K Poly / 4K Tris

Game Ready Model
Formats: .FBX; .OBJ; .blend.
PBR materials (JPG/PNG)
Texture maps: Base Color, Normal Map, Metallic, Roughness, AO, Height.
Texture resolution: 1K, 2K and 4K.

Rigged: No
Animated: No
Mask for color alternatives: No

María Herrera Pinadero

FEDUCHI, L.M. (1969): Estilos del Mueble Español. Edit. Abantos. Madrid. Pp. 60-61.

ORDÓÑEZ GODED, C. (1984): "Muebles de los siglos XVI y XVII en el Museo Municipal de Madrid" en Villa de Madrid: revista del Excmo. Ayuntamiento, Nº 81. Pp.: 21-30.

RODRÍGUEZ BERNIS, S. (2001): "La silla, desde la Edad Media hasta el Barroco (I)"Galería Antiqvaria, nº 197 (año XIX). Madrid. Pp.: 40- 45.

Virtual reconstruction of the stool based on those found in the Dulcinea del Toboso Museum:

Virtual reconstruction of the friar based on the one found in the National Museum of Decorative Arts:

Renaissance chairs

From 3.90€
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