Virtual reconstruction of a Roman strongbox based on those found in Pompeii (Italy), such as the one found in the House of Obelius Firmus, located in the peristyle of the domus. This style of strongbox, or arca ferrata, is also documented in Oplontis, with this complex locking system. They are normally prismatic in shape, equipped with four legs and are usually made of wood, lined with bronze and iron. They were used to store coins and other valuables. They used to be placed in the peristyle, where the owner of the house received his highest-ranking or most trusted visitors, as a sign of wealth and power, or in the atrium, the public area of the domus, where they received clients of minor status. It was common to fix them to a wall of the house, to a pilaster or to the floor by means of a nail that went through the bottom of the chest to prevent its theft.
LOD0: 23K Poly / 41K Tris
LOD1: 14K Poly / 20K Tris
LOD2: 10K Poly / 10K Tris
LOD3: 7K Poly / 7K Tris
Game Ready Model
Formats: .FBX; .OBJ; .blend.
PBR materials (JPG/PNG)
Texture maps: Base Color, Normal Map, Metallic, Roughness, AO, Height.
Texture resolution: 1K, 2K and 4K.
Rigged: No
Animated: No
Mask for color alternatives: No
Pablo Aparicio Resco
GONZÁLEZ PENA, M.L. (2004): "El arca ferrata. Tratamiento de conservación-restauración."Caesaraugusta. Zaragoza (m): Institución Fernando El Católico. Pp. 158-160.
PRISCO, B. FOSSÀ, S. FERRARI et al., (2014): "La cassaforte della casa dei Vettii a Pompei. Dalla scoperta al restauro", in Bollettino ICR, n.s., Nº 28. Pp. 68-86.
Article avalaible online: "Area vesuviana: Cassaforte con sacrificio a Giove. I secolo dC", Revista Restituzioni, 2016. http://www.restituzioni.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/2016.cat_.06.pdf
Obelius Firmus House, Pompeii website: http://pompeiisites.org/en/archaeological-site/house-of-obelius-firmus/