A set of pieces of common Roman pottery, also known as kitchen pottery, based on the catalogue of typologies published in the Manual of Roman Ceramics III (Fig. 4, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17).
They were everyday tableware and there was a great variety of pieces depending on their daily use. In any Roman kitchen, pots, pans, bowls, cups, glasses, plates or dishes, etc., could be found, as well as utensils made of wood, esparto grass, leather and other organic materials of which we find references in pictorial or iconographic representations.
Pottery is per se, a non-perishable material that lasts over time and gives us a great deal of information when we document it in the archaeological record. It gives us details about the time or period of use, manufacturing techniques, production, pottery workshops, trade relations, cultural influences and the economic landscape of the Roman Empire.
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Game Ready Model
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Mask for color alternatives: No
André, J. (1981): Alimentation et cuisine a Rome, Belles Letres Études anciens, Paris.
Bernal, D. i Ribera, A. (2008): Cerámicas hispanorromanas. Un estado de la
cuestión, Cádiz.
Bernal, D. i Ribera, A. (2012): Cerámicas hispanorromanas II. Producciones regionales, Cádiz.
Ettlinger, E.; Hedinger, B.; Hoffmann, B.; Kenrick, P.; Pucci, G.; Roth-Rubi, K.; Scheneider, G.; Wells, C. i Zabehlickyscheffenegger, S (2002): Conspectus Formarum Terrae Sigillatae Italico Modo Confectae, Dr. Rudols Habeli GMBH, Bonn.
Fernández Ochoa, C.; Morillo, A.; y Zarzalejos, M. (Eds.). Cerámica común romana altoimperial de cocina y mesa, de fabricación local, en la Meseta. Manual de Cerámica Romana III 1ª ed. Alcalá de Henares: Museo Arqueológico Regional; Madrid: Colegio Oficial de Doctores y Licenciados en Filosofía y Letras y en Ciencias, Sección de Arqueología, 2017.
Hayes, J. W. (1972): Late Roman Pottery, British School at Rome, London.
Lattara (1993): DICOCER Dictionnaire des Céramiques Antiques (VIIème s. av. n. è.-VIIème s. de. n. è). Méditerraneé nord-occidentale (Provence, Languedoc, Ampurian), Lattara VI, Lattes.
Lamboglia, N. (1950): Gli scavi di Albintimilium e la cronologia della ceramica romana. Prima parte. Campagne di scavo 1938-1950, Collezione di Monografie Preistoriche e Archeologiche I i II, Istituto di Studi Liguri, Bordighera.
Vegas, M. 1973. Cerámica común romana del Mediterráneo Occidental. Publicaciones eventuales 22, Barcelona: Instituto de Arqueología y Prehistoria, Universidad de Barcelona
You can find more information about these pieces in this catalogue of Roman ceramics: http://syslat.on-rev.com/DICOCER/d.lattara6.html
Here are some images related to ceramics and its production https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Figura-11-Experimentacion-con-la-replica-del-Horno-10-A-Resultado-de-coccion-reductora_fig3_340852365
You can download the article "Cerámica común romana altoimperial de cocina y mesa, de fabricación local, en la Meseta. Manual of Roman Ceramics III in this link