Statuette of Genius, made in bronze, about 15 cm high. It is based on a piece in the State Archeological Collection, Munich and on the statuette of a Boscoreale lararium. Now in the Walters Museum, Baltimore, USA.
This type of statuette formed part, along with others, of the gods displayed in the lararium of Roman domus. The genius was linked to everything related to the perpetuity of the lineage and continuity of the family name, to the pater familias.
He is represented as a robed figure and with his attributes, the panther and the horn of plenty.
LOD0: 103K Poly / 104K Tris
LOD1: 52K Poly / 52K Tris
LOD2: 10K Políy / 10K Tris
LOD3: 1K Poly / 2K Tris
Game Ready Model
Formats: .FBX; .OBJ; .blend.
PBR materials (JPG/PNG)
Texture maps: Base Color, Normal Map, Metallic, Roughness, AO, Height.
Texture resolution: 1K, 2K and 4K.
Rigged: No
Animated: No
Mask for color alternatives: No
Elena ValeroDesirée García Espinosa
Orr, D. G. Roman Domestic Religion: A Study of the Roman Lararia. University of Maryland, 1969.
Pérez Ruiz, M. (2008). El culto en la casa romana. AnMurcia, 23-24, págs. 199-229.
Waites, M. C. The Nature of the Lares and their Representation in Román Art. AJA, Vol. 24, Nº3, 1920.
Here you can see the Genius statuette in The Walters Museum:
Here is another Genius statuette in The British Museum: